1st Issue
Here is the first issue of the Future Engineering Newsletter. It was sent out to a small subset of subscribers, that is, those who have downloaded the free technical drawings for the 16 Basic Tutorials on the Future Engineering Youtube Channel. Part of the download process includes signing up for the newsletter but I do stress that people are welcome to unsubscribe immediately if they only want the free drawings and not the newsletter.
The rest of the subscribers will be included in the newsletter distribution list over the next few issues, the reason for the staged implementation is that some subscribed some time ago and working through the 16 basic tutorials might be a distant memory by now. I want to give plenty of opportunity for people to unsubscribe if necessary but I hope that the newsletter will be of interest still to many who may have learned with me in the past.
In the first issue I included a survey which is a feature of the service provider I use for sending the newsletter and is not included in this blog post copy of the 1st Issue, these first few paragraphs are by way of explanation and introduction. The next issue will have my comments on the survey results.
From here I reproduce the newsletter as it was sent;
My favourite channel on 3D printing is USSA, a channel with great projects you can build along.
Most of these ideas are well developed and his videos are often a record of how he developed the designs. Most are assemblies of multiple parts and they are extremely well thought out so that the limitations of the materials are taken into account for the stresses they will undergo in use.
You will notice that this Youtuber uses a CAD program called Rhino along with a companion program called Grasshopper which is a fairly complicated design logic program. Its worth seeing and I suspect that the Youtuber has a day job as a product designer and uses Grasshopper all the time.
The videos are without narration but they are still fantastic and well produced.
The 3D files are available for download, he has a website linked in the video description and the prices range from free to US$20, the majority are around US$5
Future Engineering News
You may have seen a Youtube notification of a video published by Future Engineering last week, the first one for some weeks, it was the fifth revised tutorial in the 16 basic series.